15 ene 2006

Nuevo Challenger. Listo para venderse a fines de 2007

Una vez que los altos ejecutivos de Daimler-Chrysler den el visto bueno, el nuevo Challenger estaria listo para su venta en 18 a 24 meses. El exito arrollador que tuvo en el Salon de Detroit, y las pocas posibilidades de la competencia con su Camaro concept de venderlo antes de 3 años, dio un nuevo empujon a la idea de tener el Challenger a la venta a fines del 2007. Y ademas teniendo la ventaja de poder utilizar varias plataformas como base, dado que se basa en un chasis mas corto pero igual al usado por los Chrylser 300, Dodge Charger y Dodge Magnum. Sumado a eso, una linea bastante completa de motores para elegir y seguramente tendremos al Challenger como modelo 2008 a finales del 2007.
Los que tengan la suerte de poder comprarlo...que sana envidia dan!!.

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hi, ##NAME##, there's a lot of stuff around on the internet, and I was looking for Super Fast Carss when I saw your blog. Neat and interesting. Refreshing, too. I'm a bit of a fast car fanatic - have been for years. Good blogging! John ##LINK##.

Anónimo dijo...

Hi, ##NAME##, I was hunting for McLaren F1 stuff when I found your blog. I reckon that's pretty cool. It takes effort to do what you've done. Keep it coming. John ##LINK##.

Anónimo dijo...

HI ##NAME##, Now I'm no expert, but that looks a pretty neat blog you've got there. I must remember to come back again, cos you'lll have some more interesting stuff here later I'm sure. See you around, John ##LINK##

Anónimo dijo...

Hello ##NAME##, This is the first time I've seen your blog - pretty cool. I find this whole blogging thing pretty amazing. So many, and such good stuff. Mind you, cars, horsepower, speed and roadholding are my main thing which is why I was looking for ##LINK##, but it was good to see your blog. Keep blogging!

Anónimo dijo...

Dear ##NAME##, .Very interesting blog you've got there. Cool material. Keep it coming. John ##LINK##

Anónimo dijo...

Dear ##NAME##, Very interesting blog you've got there. Cool material. Keep it coming. Rex ##LINK##